Tuesday, 26 May 2020

楊枝甘露杯子 Mango Pomelo Sago Pudding Cup

4人份 serve 4
芒果 4pcs mango
西米 80g sago
椰漿 160ml coconut milk
淡奶 160 ml evaporated milk
水 160ml water
糖 45g sugar
柚 4pcs pomelo

1.西米加水蓋過浸10分鐘 (Soak Sago in water for 10 mins)

2.再用大火煮5分鐘(水要多一點才不會痴底) (Boil in boiling water for 5 mins)

3.關火後加蓋焗約十分鐘 直至中心都變為透明 (Turn off heat and let it covered and continue to cook for 10 mins until it became transparent)

4.放入冰水過冷河(會更爽口) 雪凍備用 (Pour cooked Sago to ice water bath and store in fridge)

5.水加入糖及椰漿煮滾 再加入淡奶 雪凍備用 (Heat coconut milk and sugar into boiling water, add evaporate milk until sugar dissolved). Store in fridge.

6.柚子四片起伕後挪成粒粒(用咩柚都可以 只是味道有點不同 這種帶少少酸味) (Cut pomelo and take out the pomelo meat)

7.芒果起肉切粒 分成兩分 (Cut Mango into cubes and divided intro 2 portions)

8.將一份芒果粒用攪拌機打成芒果汁 (Puree one portion of Mango cubes in blender)

9.芒果汁加入先前的椰奶,西米混合 (Add Mango puree to Step (5) coconut milk mixture)

10.雪凍後加入芒果粒及柚子肉 (Add pomelo and Mango before serving)

11.完成 (ready to serve)

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