Thursday, 1 November 2018
Cell Phone Theme Fondant Birthday Cake
This year's February is my younger daughter's 12th birthday. I am so happy that she still want me to make her a birthday day. She asked for a phone theme birthday fondant cake. It is easy to make as there are Pre-printed sugar icing paper for sale on website/ebay. I purchased an iPhone theme sugar icing paper and also phone app icon sugar icing paper for her cake. I just need to bake a basic cake and apply those sugar icing paper on top.
奶皇西米糕 (Recipe in Chinese) Tapioca Custard Cyrstal Cake
西米100g , 鮮奶1支 , 馬蹄粉70g , 淡奶50ml , 吉士粉2湯匙 , 油 , 雞蛋1隻 , 牛油 , 糖45g+30g , 麵粉2湯匙 , 蛋撻模 , 水70ml , 掃
1. 雞蛋打入大碗內 , 加入吉士粉 , 麵粉 , 100ml鮮奶拌勻至冇粉粒
2. 煲內放入45g砂糖 , 牛油 , 花奶及餘下的150ml鮮奶拌勻
3. 用中火煮至牛油溶化 , 加入之前的雞蛋吉士糊 , 用慢火一路拌勻一路慢慢煮至杰身
4. 盛起待涼20分鐘再放入冰箱冷藏1小時
5. 西米放入煲內 , 加水蓋過面拌一拌勻
6. 用中火煮滾後再拌一拌勻西米以免黏底 , 熄火蓋上蓋焗20分鐘
7. 將西米隔水倒在隔篩內 , 用水沖洗雜質 , 瀝乾水份加冰水浸過面靜待10分鐘
8. 馬蹄粉 , 30g砂糖 , 水及少許油拌勻至冇粉粒
9. 浸10分鐘的西米瀝乾水份放入大碗內 , 加入馬蹄水拌勻
10. 奶皇餡1小時後從冰箱取出拌一拌勻
11. 蛋撻模掃上油 , 先放西米糊至一半滿 , 放入奶皇餡 , 再放入西米糊至全滿
12. 放入電蒸鍋內蓋上蓋蒸10分鐘
13. 蒸好待20分鐘至涼
14. 待涼期間繼續將西米糕放入電蒸鍋蓋上蓋蒸10分鐘
15. 將待涼的西米糕用竹簽起出
16. 逐一將其餘的西米糊放入蛋撐模至一半滿 , 放入奶皇餡 , 再放入西米糊至全滿
17. 放入電蒸鍋內蓋上蓋蒸10分鐘 , 再待涼起出直至西米糊用完即可
Recipe from:
Gâteau Invisible (Invisible Apple Cake)
Recently I and my daughter Nicole both "like" Tasty Japan Instagram page. The video of this dessert pops up from top of FB page and it looks amazingly delish. And it is so easy to make and it tastes so good when it serves warm. The caramel recipe is extremely easy to make and leave no mess afterward. Gâteau Invisible (Invisible Apple Cake). Recipe from: Gâteau Invisible from Tasty Japan
For the caramel, I use stove top method. Instead of putting butter and sugar in microwave. Heat them in low heat until it turns brown. Then add cream and stir.
For the caramel, I use stove top method. Instead of putting butter and sugar in microwave. Heat them in low heat until it turns brown. Then add cream and stir.
Gâteau Invisible (Invisible Apple Cake)
by Rie McClenny
Ingredients (5 servings)
2 lb apple, such as Fuji or Pink Lady
2 eggs
½ cup sugar (100 g)
½ cup milk (120 mL)
1 tablespoon butter, melted
¾ cup all-purpose flour (95 g)
sliced almonds, to taste
½ cup sugar (100 g)
1 tablespoon butter
½ cup heavy cream (100 mL)
Make the Gâteau Invisible:
- Peel the apples and remove the cores.
- Slice them very thinly.
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180˚C).
- In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until pale.
- Add the milk and melted butter and mix well.
- Sift in the flour and combine.
- Add the sliced apples.
- Using a rubber spatula, coat the apples well with the batter.
- Spoon the apples into a parchment paper-lined loaf pan, then pour over the remaining batter.
- Top with sliced almonds. Bake for 40 minutes.
- Cover with a foil and bake another 10 minutes.
- Let cool, then remove the cake from the pan.
Make the butter caramel sauce:
- In a microwave-safe bowl, add the sugar and butter.
- Microwave 2 minutes or until sugar turns dark brown.
- Using oven mitts, very carefully take the bowl from the microwave. The bowl and sugar will be extremely hot so be careful when you are handling them.
- Immediately add the cream and whisk well with a metal spoon or whisk (this will splatter a bit, but keep stirring!).
- Pour the caramel over the cake and serve.
(For the caramel, I use stove top method. Instead of putting butter and sugar in microwave. Heat them in low heat until it turns brown. Then add cream and stir.)
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