Thursday, 20 September 2012

Milo Crème brûlée (美祿)法式焦糖燉蛋

I had 6 egg yolks left from making Pavlova. I decided to use them to make another dessert.

Milo is a malted Chocolate beverage powder

Milo Creme Brulee
makes 6 servings

2 cups heavy cream
6 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup Milo powder


  1. preheated oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. 1/2 cup sugar or more for toppingInstructionsHeat cream in a sauce pan until before it boils.
  3. While waiting for the cream, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until sugar melts.
  4. Add in Milo and whisk well.
  5. When cream is hot, pour it in the yolk mixture steadily while whisking continuously.
  6. Strain and transfer to ramekins.
  7. Bake bain marie in preheated 300 degrees Fahrenheit oven for approximately 40 minutes or until center is just wiggly.
  8. Cool to room temperature then refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  9. Right before serving, sprinkle sugar on top of each creme brulee and torch it until caramelized.

Mango Pavlova (Meringue) 鮮果巴甫洛娃焗蛋白甜品


Pavlova Recipe巴甫洛娃焗蛋白脆餅甜品

Ingredients Yield: Makes 8-10 pavlovas

Meringue蛋白脆餅 :
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar OR 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar OR distilled white vinegar
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces, about 6) large egg whites, preferably room temperature
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 pints fresh or frozen berries
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Whipped Cream for topping


1 Place rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 275°. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour the vanilla and vinegar (if using) into a small cup. Stir the cornstarch into the sugar in a small bowl.

2 In a large bowl of a heavy-duty mixer, fitted with whisk attachment, whip egg whites, cream of tartar (if using) and salt, starting on low, increasing incrementally to medium speed until soft peaks/trails start to become visible, and the egg white bubbles are very small and uniform, approximately 2 to 3 minutes.

3 Increase speed to medium-high, slowly and gradually sprinkling in the sugar-cornstarch mixture. A few minutes after these dry ingredients are added, slowly pour in the vanilla and vinegar (if you didn't use cream of tartar.) Increase speed a bit and whip until meringue is glossy, and stiff peaks form when the whisk is lifted, 4 to 5 minutes.

4 Pipe or spoon the meringue into 8-10 large round mounds that are 3 inches wide on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicon liner. With the back of a spoon, create an indentation in the middle of the mound for holding the filling once meringue is baked.

5 Place baking sheet in the oven. Reduce oven temperature to 250°F. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until the meringues are crisp, dry to the touch on the outside, and white -- not tan-colored or cracked. The interiors should have a marshmallow-like consistency. Check on meringues at least once during the baking time. If they appear to be taking on color or cracking, reduce temperature 25 degrees, and turn pan around.

6 Gently lift from the baking sheet and cool on a wire rack. Will keep in a tightly sealed container at room temperature, or individually wrapped, for up to a week if your house is not humid.

7 Served topped with your favorite filling - lemon curd, raspberry or blueberry sauce, and freshly whipped cream. And I choose Mango and Raspberries this time.

I made some mini pavlova (1" size). It is a perfect match with a cup of Latte!

Pasta Carbonara (卡邦拿意粉)

Lunch at home all by myself today as my husband was in his business trip to Hong Kong. I make this: Pasta Carbonara. It's so creamy with cheesy milky eggy taste. SOOooo satisfied! I finished the whole thing which it said it is a 2 people serving size. :P

Ingredients (2 people serving)

  • 2 ounces bacon, cut into small pieces
  • 1 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream at room temperature ( I use half & half cream this time, you can also substitute it will milk as well)
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 pound dry fettuccine pasta
  • 1 tablespoon butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • ground black pepper to taste
  1. Cook bacon until crisp. Drain on paper towels.
  2. In medium bowl beat together eggs and cream just until blended. Stir in cheese and set aside.
  3. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and return to pan. Toss with butter until it is melted. Add bacon and cheese mixture and toss gently until mixed.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

酥皮奶皇月餅 Pastry Custard Mooncake

1st time making this, the custard filling is not smooth and soft enough. I guess I need to knead a bit more next time.


奶皇餡(8個迷你月餅的份量) - 等份後放冰箱2個小時備用,不要放過夜或太久 (50G的塑膠模具)
低筋粉 14g
吉士粉 12g
全蛋液 20g
鮮奶 62g
椰漿 62g
白砂糖 25g
有鹽牛油溶液 15g

1.    低筋粉+吉士粉過篩後加上牛油溶液,蛋液拌勻,這樣就可以拿去煮了. 最好用不沾鍋,邊攪拌邊加糖進去,因為吉士粉是會沈澱的東西,所以要先把他煮半熟,只要他糊糊的便可以了.

2.      煮好後隔水蒸15-20分鐘把他徹底蒸熟(視乎份量而定,我這是做8,所以15分便可以了)蒸過的奶皇才不會爆漿也不會變水水的,至於爆漿奶皇包那就要加多一點的液體跟大量的牛油進去
(ALTERNATE WAY for step 1 and 2) 低筋粉+吉士粉過篩後,加入全蛋液,鮮奶,椰漿,白砂糖攪拌。倒入鑊中加入牛油用中火加熱,不斷兜炒,直至合適糊度(變粉團),就可轉到抬上搓

 3.     蒸好的奶皇馬上倒出來工作枱上,加上蛋黃碎,準備把奶皇搓滑.因為奶皇必需要在熱的時候再給他加工搓揉至

, 所以用大刮刀(盡量不要用到手啦,很燙的)一下一下給他用摺疊法把東西都混合好,變成光滑的一團就OK,這時


4.      秤重後滾圓分成等份,可先包上保鮮膜放進模具裡試一下大小才決定酥皮的分量,把分好的奶皇餡放進保鮮盒裡,

Egg yolk: 醎蛋黃在蒸奶皇同時放進烤箱烤,烤之前先噴灑米酒去腥味,我大概用180C(350F)度烤7分鐘,有看到油跑

餅皮(8個迷你月餅的份量) - 等份後就要馬上包餡. (50G的塑膠模具)
低筋粉(也可以用高筋粉) 120g
有鹽牛油 60g
糖粉 30g
全蛋液(回溫) 24g

1) 牛油置室溫變軟,和糖粉放大海碗,用電動打蛋器以最慢速拌勻至牛油狀。
2) 加入蛋液,低筋麵粉,吉士粉,雲呢拿香油再打發。
3) 奶皇餡分為 8 小糰 (每份約26 g),包入鹹蛋黃,以包湯圓的手勢就 OK,不用全包冚,留少許開口,開口向上擱在一邊備用。
4)把麵糰分 8 小份 (每份約 22g), 也是用包湯圓的手勢包好 (3),封口向下,擱在檯的一邊備用。
5) 把粉糰放檯面用手堆幼身點月餅模撒高筋麵粉,推壓成形。

6) 刷上蛋液,放焗爐,180C(350F)烤焗15-20分鐘段。

Make this the 2nd time. Much better result! Marsh all egg yolk and mix in the custard paste. This time the custard paste is smoother by making it using the *Alternate Way* direction.

My husband bought new molds for me in HK. Cute~~~~

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Flower Bouquet Cupcakes


My friend, Florence, is a big fans of desserts. The presentation of dessert is always her first concern, and the taste comes next. Although I cannot decorate well on my desserts, she still kindly show big appreciation on my works. Therefore, I need to make something good in return especially on her birthday! I guess flower bouquet cupcakes has the best presentation without many techniques or work. She should loves it. Last time I make multicolor flowers for my friend's cake, and my husband told me some skills on colour matching fundamental concept. I am not an artist person at all. I have no idea what colours will catch perfectly. So I decided to go for plain white flower with sprinkles on it (my friend loves sprinkle on cupcakes, she told me once). My friend is not picky on flavour or taste of cupcakes. So I chose Red Velvet cupcakes (sound and look romantic) with vanilla frosting.

We need a flower pot, foam ball, toothpicks and wrapping tissue paper.

I place the foam ball to the flower pot, then cover with some tissues paper. Estimate the cupcakes placement. 2 toothpicks for each cupcake.

This is a mini flower bouquet. So I made mini cupcakes.

After I put all the cupcakes in, I sprinkle some silver heart shape sprinkles for further decoration. Then I made a birthday card/sign and glue it on a stick and put in middle of the flower pot. Finally add some ribbons (optional). Perfect!!!