
Monday, 9 March 2015

Mango Lava Pudding 芒果流心布甸

流心材料 Mango Lava Ingredients:
芒果肉 Mango 120克 gram
黄砂糖Golden Sugar 20克 gram
柠檬汁Lemon juice  2小勺 tsp

做法 Directions::
1,将芒果肉、糖、柠汁一起放入搅拌机里打成蓉 (Pic 1);
2,取一个小模子,里面铺一层保鲜膜,然后将果蓉倒入平铺,放冰箱冷冻三小时以上 (Pic 2);
3,将已凝固的果蓉取出,切成小粒 (pic 3),放回冰箱冷冻备用 (Pic 4)(芒果粒不要切太大,约1-2CM大小就差不多了,切得太大放布丁中间做流心,会比较容易失败)
1. Puree Mango, sugar and lemon juice in blender (Pic 1).
2. Pour puree in container and cover by Cling Wrap. Freeze in freezer for more than 3 hours (Pic 2).
3. Take frozen puree out, cut into 1-2cm cubes (Pic 3). Place cubes back to freezer until use. (Pic 4)

芒果布丁材料 Mango Pudding Ingredients:
芒果啫喱粉Mango Jello   45克 gram
鱼胶粉 Gelatine   7克 gram
滚水Hot water 150克 gram
三花淡奶 Evaporated milk 100克 gram
椰浆Coconut milk 150克 gram
芒果肉 Mango 140克 gram

1,芒果啫喱粉和鱼胶粉混合;加入滚水搅拌至粉类完全全溶化,坐冷水放凉;(Pic 5)
4,准备好布丁模,将布丁糊加入到模子1/3的位置 (pic 6),然后放入冰箱冷冻库约10分钟至布丁凝固;
5,布丁糊凝固后,将一粒预先做好的芒果流心粒放在布丁中间(Pic 7),然后再倒入布丁糊至满模(Pic 8),放冰箱冷冻20分钟,至表面稍微凝固后再移至冰箱冷藏室,冷藏约3小时即可取出脱模,完成后用小刀切开一角,就可见芒果流心流出了~~
1. Mix Mango jello powder and gelatine; add hot water and mix until all powder dissolved. (Pic 5) Place in cold water bath to speed up the cooling progress.
2. Puree 50g of mango with evaporated milk.
3. When step 1 mixture cooled, add mango puree, coconut milk and remaining mango to mixture and mix well.
4. Pour mixture from step 3 into moulds or serving containers up to 1/3 full (Pic 6). Put in freezer and let it settled for 10 minutes.
5. Take out mould or container, place frozen mango cubes in centre/middle of the jello mixture (Pic 7) . Filled up container with step 3 mixtures over mango cubes(Pic 8). Put it back to freeze for another 20 minutes. Then transfer container back to fridge.
注  Note:
Please remember not to put too many frozen mango cubes in middle of the pudding. When the mango cubes melted, it will over flow if you put too many. And when you unmold the pudding, it might over flow all over the pudding as well.

Recipe Source:

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