
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

鬆弛熊彩繪卷蛋(瑞士卷) Rilakkuma Painted Swiss Roll Cake

I want to try to make this special kind of swiss roll for a long time. It was a hit in HK and some of friends took lesson to make it. I think I will take a class to make this when I am in HK too. I tried to make this and it was not very successful. Some of the words were stick on the parchment paper and did not come off. Therefore some of the words did not show on the cake. Also the parchment paper that has the drawing of Rilakkuma shrink after the few times of putting in and out of the oven (steps to stable the colour drawing batter). And the final appearancce of the drawing is not smooth like cake texture. I guess the colour batter is too thick. Overall it is very fun baking experience except lots of bowls to wash afterward (one bowl and spatula for each kind of colour batter). You can have any pattern you like to put on the cake! And of course it is a very soft and fluffy cake to taste. I will definitely try it again.


(A) 蛋糕體
  1. Egg 中型雞蛋 --------- 3隻 (把蛋白和蛋黃分開放)
  2. Sugar 細砂糖a ----------- 35g
  3. Sugar 細砂糖b ----------- 30g
  4. water水 ------------------- 60ml
  5. Vegetable oil 菜油(沙拉油) ------ 40ml
  6. Vanilla extract 雲呢拿香油 -------- 1/4tsp 茶匙
  7. Cake flour sifted低筋麵粉(過篩) ---- 80g
  8. Corn flour 粟粉 ----------------- 3/4tsp 茶匙

圖案 (Ingredient for one colour only)
  1. Cake flour sifted 低筋麵粉(過篩) ------- 1/4tsp 茶匙(每份)
  2. Edible colour gel 色膏/食用色素 -------- 適量/數滴 (啡,紅,粉紅,黃)
  3. Egg white 中型雞蛋 -------------- 1隻 (只要蛋白)
  4. Corn flour 粟粉 ------------------- 1/4tsp 茶匙

(C) 其他
  1. 焗盤 (我用的是長方形 33 X 22.7 X 3.6cm) (而書建議的SIZE是 25cm X 25cm 10"x10"方形焗盤)
  2. 牛油紙
< 做法 > : 焗蛋糕
(A)   預熱焗爐17015分鐘

(B)   焗盤放上圖案草圖,再鋪上牛油紙,掃上薄薄一層菜油

1. Print out any pictures you want.
2. Draft it on parchment paper
3. Pipe colour flour batter on the outline first. Bake for 1 minute
4. Then fill other parts with different colour. Bake for 1 mintue
5. Pour cake batter on top. Then Bake for 14 minutes
6. Cool cake. Then prepare whipped cream fillings.

(C)   製作蛋黃麵糊
1)   大碗內放3個蛋黃,加入細砂糖a,用電動打蛋器打至很淡黃色。
2)   依次加入水、菜油、雲呢拿香油,攪拌均勻。
3)   將低筋麵粉篩入,用電動打蛋器充分攪拌到麵糊出現黏性。
Use hand or stand mixer. Cream 3 egg yolks with sugar (a) 35g. Then add water, oil and vanilla extractand mix well. Sift in cake flour and mix well until batter become sticky and thick.

(D)   製作圖案 (自由發揮)

1)   視乎圖案有多少顏色,預備相同數量的小碗,每碗放入1-2小匙做好的(C)蛋黃麵糊,每碗再加入1/4茶匙低筋麵粉(過篩),拌勻後每碗加入不同色膏調色。
2)   令一盤內把1隻蛋白打散,用電動打蛋器打至呈尖角狀態,加入1/4茶匙粟粉再打一會成蛋白霜。
3)   把這蛋白霜分成幾份加入1)的小碗中,攪拌均勻,分別放入唧袋。
4)   唧袋剪小小角,將圖案畫在焗盤上,要分開數次畫,每次立即焗(第一次應先畫線條,焗好再填滿其他顏色),每次放入焗爐焗1分鐘以定形(覺得不夠可再焗30)

(E)   製作蛋糕體

1)   將蛋糕體材料的3隻蛋白打至發泡,加入細砂糖b再打起,加入3/4茶匙粟粉,打至呈尖角狀態,再加入(D) 製作圖案餘下的蛋白霜拌勻。
2)   把這蛋白霜分3次加入(C)蛋黃麵糊中,輕手充分拌勻。
3)   用唧袋放入部分麵糊,沿圖案邊緣和表面填滿(防止圖案附近有多餘空氣影響外觀),再把餘下麵糊倒入焗盤,用膠刮抹平,焗盤輕敲2-3次,以消除大氣泡。
4)   放入已預熱的焗爐以170度焗14分鐘,表面金黃色,用竹籤插入測試,沒有沾上麵糊即焗好啦!

< 內餡材料 > :

  1. 甜忌廉 ---------- 50g
  2. 鮮果切粒 ------- 適量
  3. 飲用水(注入噴水壺內) ------- 適量

做法 > : 捲蛋糕

1)   蛋糕出爐,蛋糕面蓋上張牛油紙,連焗盤反轉放在網架上,再拿走焗盤。
2)   立即將表面的焗盤牛油紙慢慢小心撕下,再蓋回上蛋糕上(防止蛋糕太乾令卷時龜裂),待散熱冷卻15分鐘。
3)   把甜忌廉打起呈尖角備用。
4)   蛋糕微暖後,拿走焗盤牛油紙,放上新的牛油紙,反轉(圖案向下),為方便捲起,在蛋糕兩端斜切去小許蛋糕,再在蛋糕面每隔約一吋切一刀痕(不要切得太深切斷呀!)
5)   用噴水壺在蛋糕表面曬上少少水令其濕潤。
6)   均勻在蛋糕表面搽上打起的甜忌廉,放上鮮果(近自己的位置),把蛋糕捲好(圖案在遠的位置),像捲糖紙般把左右扭實包好,放入雪櫃1小時完成。


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