
Monday, 28 January 2013

Baked Tapioca (Sago) pudding with 'Pineapple bun' pastry crust 酥皮焗西米布甸

Baked Tapioca (Sago) pudding with 'Pineapple bun' pastry crust


Pineapple bun pastry:
菠蘿皮材料ingredients for 8"x8" pan or( 12buns or  20g each)
低筋粉 cake flour 125g
幼砂糖 sugar 55g
無鹽牛油unsalted butter softened(置室溫軟化) 40g
奶粉 milk powder 7g
蛋黃 egg yolk 1
淡奶(evaporated milk)1 Tbsp
煉奶 condensed milk 1tsp
食用臭粉(edible ammonia powder)1/4tsp or a bit lesser 少一些
發粉(baking powder)1/4tsp

1. 用電動搞拌器,把牛油搞打至平滑,加入糖,繼續搞打至發白鬆脹。
Cream butter and sugar with hand mixer.

2. 加入奶粉,蛋黃,淡奶,煉奶和發粉,拌勻。篩入麵粉和臭粉,完全拌勻。此時麵團非常濕潤和黏手。用保鮮膜把麵團包好放入雪櫃(fridge)冷凍 30至40分鐘。當麵團變硬身一些,就可隨時拿出使用。
Add milk powder, egg yolk, evaporated milk, condensed milk and baking powder. Mix well. Sifted in cake flour and ammonia powder, mix well. Dough will be sticky. You can wrap it with plastic wrap and chill for 30-40 mins until harden and easier to roll it out.
Baked Tapioca Pudding:
焗西米布甸 8"x8" square pan
西米 ( tapioca pearls 或 sago) 90g
鮮奶(milk) 200ml
椰奶Coconut milk 300ml or you can substitute it with milk 
吉士粉 (custard powder) 4 Tbsp
雞蛋 egg(打散成汁)2
花奶 (evaporated milk) 100ml
砂糖  sugar 70g (90g for original recipe)
無鹽牛油  unsalted butter 40g
1. 預熱焗爐至 200度C. 425F
Preheat oven to 425F

2. 把西米浸水 20分鐘,撈起,放入滾水(開水)中,用中火煮10分鐘。煮的時間,時不時搞拌,以免黏在一起。然後熄火,加蓋焗至透明, 再沖凍水,瀝乾水份備用。
Soak Sago in water for 20 mins. Drained. Prepare boiling water, put sago in and cook for 10 mins. Stir it all the time. Turn off heat and covered until sago become transparent. Drain and run under cold water. Then drain out excess water and set aside.

3. 把 200ml 鮮奶和吉士粉拌勻,再加入蛋汁,待用。
Add custard powder to 200ml milk. Stir well and add egg. Mix well. Set aside.
4.其餘 300毫升椰奶加入花奶,砂糖和牛油,用中小火煮至溶,然後加入第3項的混合物,邊煮邊拌至濃稠。最後加煮好的西米。
Add sugar and butter to evaporated milk and coconut milk. Heat until butter melts. Pour in custard milk egg batter into it and stir it with a whisk until the mixture become thick. Take away from heat and add sago. Stir.

5.放煮好的材料入布甸模中。。放在半滿水的焗盤中,焗15-20分鐘,然後拿出放涼。 (Pic. 1)
Pour batter to 8"x8" pan. Bake in water bath (place in larger deep pan with half filled with hot water). Baked for 15-20mins. Take it out and cool it. (Pic 1)

6.預熱焗爐至 375F。拿出菠蘿飽皮,把它搓成圓餅 (pic 2),再把菠蘿飽皮舖在表面 (Pic 3)。把菠蘿皮邊切走,掃蛋汁 (Pic 4)。焗10-15分鐘或直至菠蘿飽皮完成即成。留意:焗的時間,視乎焗爐的火力而定。
Turn oven to 375F. Take pastry out from refrigerator, roll it out into flat circle that big enough to cover the pan 8"x8" (Pic 2). Place it over the pudding (pic 3) and trim it. Apply some beaten egg to top of pastry (Pic 4). Place in oven and bake for 10-15mins or until pastry is done.

焗西米布甸食譜參考: Tapioca Pudding Recipe adapted from:

菠蘿包皮食譜來源:Pineapple bun recipe source:

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