
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Lego Ninjago Cake and Cupcakes 樂高忍者蛋糕

I am very delighted that my friend asked me to make a cake and some cupcakes for her son's birthday! My friend gave me all the freedom to make this cake. I asked what does her son like and she said Ninjago and Kai. She said she is ok for the cake to be 2D or 3D. I research the internet and the cake idea in my mind is a 3D one. It is a challenge for me because I know nothing about Ninjago. My 2 daugthers don't play Ninjago at all. (Buttercream Vanilla 4-layered Cake covered by Marshmallow fonant)
Front, Left, Right, and Back views of the cake
Final presentation of the cake with mini cupcakes
Cupcakes for class birthday celebration (24's). I removed all the lego candy bricks and legoman from the cupcakes because I am afraid of the allegy issue at classroom. (The packaging of the candy melt made from facility that is not peanut free).

The making of fondant details.

The delivery of cupcakes and cakes.

To make 28 medium size cupcakes+24 mini cupcakes + 4-layers (5.5"x5") cake:
Total cost of making all of these is Cad$29

Here is the cost breakdown:
Fondant decorations:
          Icing sugarx23.98
Misc: assorted Icing colour1
         Cupcake box1.58
         Cupcake liners1
 cupcakes base
          egg, sugar, flour1.5
          egg, sugar, flour1.5
                  Icing sugar1.99
Cupcake recipe can refer to my Yellow Basic Cupcake page:

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