
Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Black Sesame Tofu Cheesecake 黑芝麻豆腐芝士蛋糕

Two weeks later, I will need to teach a group of senior to make Tofu cheesecake. Therefore, I will need to dig up my Tofu recipe again and to practice a little. I use my old Tofu cheesecake recipe and modify it a little to become Black Sesame Tofu Cheesecake. It is still very simple to make and I am sure I can teach my senior friends to make this in a half an hour class time.  

材料: (6吋蛋糕份量)

餅底材料: 消化餅 105g (~8塊)、溶化牛油 45g
  • 消化餅弄碎,加入溶化牛油拌勻,放入6吋餅盆內壓實,放入雪櫃待用 。 (Pic 1)

豆腐芝士餡料 :忌廉芝士 100 g,  淡忌廉 140 g, 嫩豆腐180 g, 糖 70 g, 魚膠粉7 g +室溫水21g,  黑芝麻粉 5 TBSP


1. 魚膠粉加室溫水拌勻後坐於熱水中煮至溶化待用

2. 豆腐花用篩隔去水份備用

3. 忌廉芝士加糖打至滑身

4. 把豆腐花加入芝士糊中, 再打至滑身, 加入黑芝麻粉拌勻 (Pic 2 & 3)

5. 把已溶魚膠粉水加入豆腐芝士糊中拌勻 (Pic 4)


6. 打起淡忌廉(約7-8成) (Pic 5)

7. 再加入已打起淡忌廉 (Pic 6) , 

8. 以手動打蛋機器拌勻 (Pic 7)

9. 從雪櫃中取出已加餅底之餅模,將混合物倒入模中 (Pic 8) ,用錫紙封口並放入雪櫃雪 4 小時

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