
Friday, 28 November 2014

Tofu Ice Cream 豆腐雪糕

Egg Yolks 3
Sugar 80g (I use 50g)
Silken Tofu (Extra smooth) 200g
Unsweetened Soya Drinks 100g
Whipping cream 200ml

If you use ice cream machine, remember to put the inner part to freezer to freeze until it is completely frozen (shake it to make sure the liquid between wall are all frozen with no sound).  

1 Put Tofu and Soya drinks in food processor and blend. 

Put the egg yolks into a bowl with sugar and beat with an electric hand beater for about 2 minutes until the mixture has thickened, is paler in colour and falls in thick ribbons when you lift the beaters.

Heat the cream and soya tofu over a low heat, stirring occasionally, until it almost boils – you’ll see a few bubbles at the edge. Take off the heat and stir in the egg yolk mixture.

Return the pan to a low heat and cook, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon, for 8-10 minutes, until the custard is thick enough to coat the back of the spoon. Watch that it doesn’t boil – as soon as you see any bubbles about to burst to the surface, it should be thick enough, so take the pan off the heat so the mixture doesn’t curdle.

5. Pour the custard into a heatproof bowl, then sit it in a bigger bowl one third full of iced water to cool (this takes about 20 minutes). Stir occasionally to stop a skin forming. Put the bowl of custard in the fridge for 3-4 hours, preferably overnight, so it gets really cold.

4 Pour into ice cream maker and mix for 30 mins or according to your ice cream maker directions. 

5 Cover it with plastic wrap and place in freezer. Serve until set.

蛋黃 3隻 
糖 80g ( 太甜,我諗減到40-50g差不多 ) 
豆腐 200g ( 我用百福蒸煮滑豆腐2盒裝的1盒 ) 
低糖豆漿 100g ( 代替牛奶,等佢豆味重些,可以的話用無糖豆漿會更易控制甜度 )
忌廉 200ml  

1)  用攪拌機將豆腐同豆漿攪成豆腐漿 
2) 蛋黃同糖,以打蛋器打至cream狀。(可以增加空氣、加熱時平均受熱 )
3) 將豆腐漿+忌廉同蛋黃醬混合拌勻
4) 以小火加熱 ( 整雪糕要加熱是因為蛋要消毒同去腥,呢款豆腐都要煮;但唔好俾佢高過80度 / 滾,否則蛋會熟!! ) 
5) 離火冷卻 ( 可以水 / 冰加速 )
6) 以篩網過濾令其更幼滑 ( optional)
7) 放入雪糕機
8) 冰櫃3小時

Recipe adapted from (Chinese):

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