
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Cold Tofu with preserved egg and pork flakes 肉鬆皮蛋凍豆腐

This is a no-cook easy to do appetizer for any occasion. All you need is Tofu, preserved egg and pork flakes (optional). Served cold

Here is the recipe:
Tofu (Soft) 凍豆腐(drained)
3 preserved egg皮蛋 (Cut and diced)
3 Tbsp dried pork flakes肉鬆
green onion蔥 (for garnish) ~ I forgot to add this time
Bonito flakes 柴魚 (for garnish)

Soy sauce paste 醬油膏 (or home made recipe below) or sweet soya sauce 2-3 tbsp (according to taste)
Soy Sauce paste
Sesame oil or garlic oil 1 tbsp (According to taste)

  1. Place tofu on bottom (You can cut in pieces or serve as-is)
  2. Place preserved egg pieces on top of tofu
  3. Add2-3 tbsp soya sauce paste all over the tofu and egg
  4. Add 1 tbsp sesame oil or garlic oil all over the tofu and egg
  5. Place dried pork flakes on top.
  6. Garnish with green onion and bonito flakes
It is better to served cold. 

Recipe for home made Soy Sauce paste 醬油膏

Soy Sauce 4 Tbsp, Sugar 2 Tbsp, Coke 1 can, water 1 cup, potato flour 2 tbsp, salt

Add all ingredients in saucepan and stir well. Turn on heat to boil, stir continuously. Cool down.



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