
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Hello Kitty Waffle 格仔餅/窩夫

It is so much fun to shop baking accessories. Especially if you like those special Japan character like Rilakkuma / Hello Kitty / Doraemon etc. The bake shops offer many varieties of these characters mold and utensils. Few years ago, I bought egg waffle pan back to Canada. And I told myself not to buy anymore of these heavy kitchen stuffs. But when I saw the Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma waffle pan, I cannot resist from buying that. I chose to buy the Hello Kitty one because it is smaller in size and it has more detail than the Rilakkuma one. I cannot wait to try and to test the result of using it.

 可做三塊格仔餅份量 (3 Original waffles) or (8 Hello Kitty waffles)


  • 120g 低筋麵粉 Cake Flour
  • 1/2 Tsp 發粉 (baking powder)
  • 2隻 雞蛋 Egg
  • 20g 砂糖 Sugar
  • 1/2cup 牛奶 Milk
  • 50g 融化牛油 (melted butter)
  • 水(隨量)water - adjust
  • 1tsp 雲呢拿(可以不加) Vanilla (optional)
做法 Directions :
  1. 先把牛油融化。打散雞蛋成蛋汁。Melt butter. Whisk the eggs.
  2. 在蛋汁中,加入砂糖拌勻。倒入牛奶和雲呢拿拌勻,然後篩下低筋粉和發粉搞勻。最後加入融化了的牛油。拌勻的漿粉,稀調度以能隨隨流下為準。這樣弄出來的格仔餅就會鬆軟。(當預備粉漿期間,如感到粉漿太濃杰的話,可酌量加點水。) Add sugar to egg and whisk. Mix well with milk and vanilla. Sift in cake flour and baking powder and mix well. Add melted butter and mix well. If batter is too thick, add a bit of water to adjust.
  3. 把漿粉倒入預熱的格仔餅模型爐中,烘至金黃色即成。 Spread butter or oil on waffle pan. Preheat the pan. Pour in batter. Heat 1 minutes on each side.

Serve with butter, peanut butter, condensed milk and add sugar (HK style). Or add chocolate syrup, cinnamon powder and serve with ice-cream (North Amercian Style)

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