
Monday, 8 April 2013

Durian/Mango Pancake 榴蓮/芒果班戟

芒果班戟材料:(make 9 x 5.5"diameter pancakes)
低筋面粉80克、sifted Cake flour 80g
砂糖A35克、sugar(A) 35g
牛奶250克、milk 150g+100g
蛋黄4隻(或一隻蛋加一個蛋黃)4yolks or 1egg+1yolk 
黄油15克、melted butter 15g

Whipped cream
鲜奶油200克、whipping cream 200g
砂糖B40克、sugar B 40g (I use icing sugar)
芒果 或榴蓮肉少許 mangos or durian meat or banana







1. Add 150g milk to sifted flour and mix well until smooth
2. Whisk eggs and sugarA 35g until well combined. Add milk 100g to egg mixture. Mix well
3. Comine Step 1 and Step 2 batter together. Add melted butter and mix.
4. Use and strainer and pour batter to strainer to get a smooth batter without particles.
5. Use a pancake pan or flat frying pan. Heat it up and pour about 1/4 cup of batter (depend on size of pancake you want) to pan. Turn down heat to low and let it cook for 1-2 mintues. It can make around 8 pancakes.
6. Cool down and prepare whipping cream
7. Whisk 200g whipping cream with icing sugar B 40g until peak form.
8. Put whipped cream on centre of completely cool pancake. Then add one piece of mango or durian. Wrap it up. Put in refrigerator. Serve cold.
Recipe source:

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