
Thursday, 25 October 2012

Hainanese chicken 海南雞

Today free range chicken is on sale at Pricesmart. Bought one and made this Hainanese chicken. This recipe is taught by my friend Chef Joe.

1. Prepare pork bone soup. Boil this soup base for at least 45 mins. Add green onion , Anise (star anise)八角 and sesame oil.
2. While waiting for soup stock to be ready, we now need prepare our chicken. Make a hole on the top breast below the neck area and chop off the feet.
3. Run hot tap water until the hottest. Use a pot/big bowl to fill with hot tap water. Then submerge the chicken in hot water for 5 minutes.

4. After the stock is ready and after the chicken was immersed in hot tap water for 5 minutes. Turn off the stove. Then transfer the chicken to the pork bone soup stock. You need to hold the neck and submerge into and then pull out the chicken from the soup about 3 times.

5. Then leave the whole chicken totally submerge into the soup and cover the pot. Make sure the soup is not boiling. Leave it for around 35 minutes or when it is fully cook. Check the readiness around 25-30minutes. (Cooking time depend on the size of the chicken) 

6. While waiting for the chicken to be cooked, we can prepare some ginger dipping sauce. Mince the ginger. Mix with some chicken powder and then finish it by pouring some cooked oil. You may add green onions as well (optional)

7. When the chicken is fully cooked. Bring it out and submerge in COLD running water until it is fully cool. Alternatively way is to prepare water with many ice-cubes. Canada's running tap water is cold enough to cool down the chicken very fast. Make sure to save the stock for cooking the rice

8. After the chicken cool down. Rub a bit of  Spice Salt (准鹽)inside and outside all over the chicken.
Recipe of 准鹽:
幼鹽Salt                           2 湯匙 (2 Tbsp)
五香粉Five-spices Powder  小茶匙 (1 tsp)
a) 先將 幼鹽 & 五香粉攪勻Mix all ingredients
b) 燒紅鑊後,關火將 a) 慢炒便可stir fry all ingredients

9. Chop and Serve. I cannot chop chicken well. But here is a video link that show you how to chop a cooked chicken:
如何斬雞 (How to chop/cut a chicken)

辣醋汁材料:(Chile dipping sauce)

- 大紅椒兩隻 2 red peppers
- 指天紅椒四隻 4 chile peppers
- 鹽1/4茶匙 salt 1/4 tsp
- 糖少許 sugar a bit
- 薑蓉兩茶匙 minced ginger 2 tsp
- 蒜蓉兩茶匙 minced garlic 2 tsp
- 青檸汁一湯匙 lime juice 1tbsp
- 白醋四湯匙 white vinegar 4 tbsp

薑蔥蓉材料: (Ginger dipping sauce)

- 薑蓉一湯匙 minced ginger 1tbsp
- 蔥粒一湯匙 chopped green onion 1 tbsp (Optional)
- 鹽半茶匙Salt 1/2 tsp
- 油一湯匙 oil 1 tbsp

Hainanese Chicken Rice

For recipe, please visit my other blog post for Hainanese Chicken Rice recipe.


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