
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Shrimp and Crab avocado salad

整Salad 真的不是我的強項,party 時只會草草地弄Caesar Salad。個個都鍾意又易做。今次有啲不同,因為今次是作客而又potluck。聽說朋友的孩子比較喜歡食西餐,而且一早就知道主人家會弄白洒青口及焗雞,一聽就知我最好也弄西餐比較合適。不過如果我帶中菜他們也ok ~

因此我負責帶菜和粉/麵/飯。西餐:那就是沙律和意粉吧! 因主人家也是煮得又食得,不可太"馬夫",所以要比多啲心思!【Salad is Shrimp and Crab avocado Salad】這不是什麽特別的Salad,但我要比它弄得好看一些,裝飾一下。It served individually by wine glasses. 每人有一杯Salad!! Salad 有5層:

1st layer in bottom: assorted baby romaine with Maple Syrup + Wine Vinegar with Rasberry sauce. I don't have the exact measurement, I like it to be more sweeten (actually my husband and kids don't like vinegar dressing, 他們很怕酸), so I will tend to mix more maple syrup to it. You will use a bowl to mix the dressing and taste it before tossing with salad. If you don't have maple syrup, you can use honey. I don't like using honey because it is too thick and too sweet comapre to maple syrup. Also you can substitute the Romaine with any salad veggie you like.

2nd layer: crab meat (I bought it from Costco), mix with mayonnaise, garlic salt and black pepper, some lemon juice

3rd layer: Avocado cut into tiny bits, make sure you put some lemon juice to prevent oxidation (turn black). Put avocado on 3rd layer. I also put some cherry tomatoes (cut in half) and put on the side of the wine glasses to decorate and put more colour to the salad to look goods. Of course it tastes good too.

4th layer: Cooked shrimp (I also bought this from Costco). Mix with pepper and garlic salt. Add some lemon juice.

5th layer: put some Japanese tobiko (fish roe) on top for decoration.

Salad itself is easy to make, you just need a bit more time to put them to each wine glasses for better serving appearance. 又好睇又好食!

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