
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Marinated Soft-boiled egg 溏心蛋

1. 雞蛋 egg:三顆
2. 醬油 soya sauce:75ml
3. 味淋 mirin (pic. 1):75ml
4. 水 water:225ml

1 Boil soya sauce, Mirin water together in a pot. Let it cool and set aside.
2.Boil a pot of hot water, once boiled, add a cup of room temperature water and add eggs into it. Count to 5 minutes or use an egg indicator(to medium pic.2), take eggs out and place in cold water.
3. Took off shells.
4. Soak eggs in container with cooled soya sauce mirin water. Use cling plastic wrap to place on top of egg and sauce. (Pic.3) This is to make sure the whole egg can be marinated. cover it and put in refrigerator for one or two nights.

- To take off she'll easily, you can soak the egg in water for half an hour before boiling it.
- Cut egg by using cotton thread. I do not recommend cutting by knife. (Pic 4)

1. 把醬油、味淋和水,一起放入鍋內以中火煮至沸騰後,放涼後備用。
2. 煮一鍋熱水,水滾,加入一飯碗的水後,馬上把雞蛋放入。放入的同時便開始計時,五分鐘後,快速撈起置於冷水中使其降溫。(pic. 2)
3. 一邊剝蛋殼的時候,可以開著冷水持續降低蛋的溫度。
4. 剝去蛋殼之後,輕輕擦拭蛋的表面去除多餘的水分,再放入事先煮好且放涼的醬汁中浸泡,並於冰箱中冷藏。(pic. 3) 用保鮮纸放在蛋上,這可以把蛋頂部也可浸到酱汁。
5. 約莫一~二個晚上後,便可食用。

1. 若蛋的數量和大小不同,醬汁的量可自行調整。以醬油:味淋:水=1:1:3的比例去混合即可。另外,在此次嘗試之後,覺得額外添加入八角,應該會讓香味更棒。如果有牛肉滷汁,應該也可以拿來嘗試看看。

2. 蛋可以先用凍水浸半小時,剝殼會更容易。

3. 剝蛋殼千萬要輕柔,否則很容易把蛋捏爛。如果發現蛋白還未熟,可繼續放入滾水中續煮。

4. 最好以縫衣線來切溏心蛋(pic.4)

Onsen Tamago (Hot spring Egg) 温泉蛋 Recipe:

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