
Saturday, 26 September 2015

2-ingredients Home Made Gummy Candy 自製啫哩軟糖

2-ingredients Gummy Candy

Very easy to make Gummies at home

85g (1 box) Jelly Powder
2 Tbsp Unflavoured Gelatin
1/2 cup + 1/4 cup water


Baked Tart Crust Custard Moon Cake (曲奇皮)奶皇月餅

This is a very yummy moon cake and it is different from the traditional moon cake. The filling is not Lotus fillings, it is custard fillings. And it is covered by crispy Tart Crust.

Recipe (Makes 8 x 50g )

奶皇餡 Custard Fillings: 

Ingredients: (8 x 50g Mini Mooncake) Pic 1

吉士粉 Custard Powder                               30g
奶粉Milk Powder                                         13g
全蛋Egg                                                       25g (about 1/2 large egg - save the remaining for later use)
蛋黃 Egg Yolk                                             15g (one egg's egg yolk)
砂糖 Sugar                                                   46g
淡忌廉 Whipping Cream/Evaporate milk   38ml
椰奶(漿) Coconut Milk                                74ml
無鹽牛油(切粒) Unsalted Butter (Diced)    23g
鹹蛋黃(蒸熟) Salted Egg Yolk (Steamed)     4個(每個分成4份) (Divided into 4 pieces each)

做法 Directions:

1.     將吉士粉及奶粉混合,加入一半椰奶,拌勻 (Pic 2)
2.     將全蛋及蛋黃打散,加入一半砂糖,拌勻後倒入步驟(1)內,拌勻
3.     將剩餘的椰奶及砂糖、淡忌廉、無鹽牛油放入鍋內,用細火煮滾,邊煮邊攪拌 (Pic 3)
4.     煮滾後倒入步驟(1)內,拌勻,倒回入鍋內,以中火煮至杰身成糰狀 (Pic 4)
5.     倒入大碗內,用保鮮紙緊貼奶皇表面,待冷卻後放入雪櫃冷藏一晚
6.     取出後,平均分割出每粒自己所需重量,包入1/4個鹹蛋黃

月餅皮 (Tart Crust)

Ingredients: Pic 5

砂糖 Sugar                            35g
有鹽牛油  Salted Butter       65g
全蛋 Egg                               10g
花奶  Evaporated Milk         15g
低筋粉Cake Flour              125g
吉士粉Custard Powder          8g

做法 Directions:

1.     將砂糖及有鹽牛油用電動打蛋器打發變白 (Pic 6)
2.     加入全蛋及花奶,打至完全混合 (Pic 7)

3.     加入低筋粉及吉士粉 (Pic 8 &9),用膠刮用切割方法及按壓法 (Pic 10),攪拌成糰 (Pic 11),用保鮮紙包裹(Pic 12),放入雪櫃冷藏半小時備用

4.     取出後,平均分割出每粒自己所需重量

掃面及手粉材料 (Egg wash / flour coat for mould):

高筋粉適量 (Regular Flour for coating the mold)
全蛋1隻加蛋黃1隻 (Egg wash - Egg+Yolk)
糖水(砂糖:水 1:1) 適量 (Sugar water for glazing Water:Sugar 1:1) Optional

1.    將一塊餅皮擀平成圓形 (Pic 17),包入一粒奶皇餡 (Pic 18)
2.    月餅模內沾上高筋粉,多餘的倒出 (Pic 19) 放入月餅模內 (Pic 20),推壓出造型月餅 (Pic 21)

3.     將做好的月餅放入雪櫃冷藏半小時,使餅皮硬身一點,以免焗時瀉身 (Pic 22)
4.     預熱焗爐250°C
5.     先焗5分鐘,取出,掃上薄薄2層蛋液,吹乾約10分鐘 (Pic 23)
6.     再次放入焗爐,焗約8-10分鐘至金黃色
7.     出爐後掃上糖水,放上涼架,完全涼透才可入盒

Monday, 21 September 2015

Durian Sawdust Pudding 榴蓮木槺布甸

Sawdust pudding is always one of the easiest make ahead dessert for any occasion. This time I added durian meat into the pudding and make it a special dessert. I still put some edible veggie on top to make it looks like a pot dessert. Last time I used mint leaves, but I found out most of my friend including myself don't like mint leave a lot. Therefore, I use pea sprouts as decoration, and this time all of use love it. 

材料 Ingredients: (24杯份量 : 每杯2.5oz / Serves 24 x 2.5oz cup
      馬利餅  Marie Biscuit        200g (around 40 biscuits)
      淡忌廉 whipping cream     250ml
       Durian Meat          450g (Puree)
      煉奶     Condensed Milk     120ml
      雲呢拿油  Vanilla extract  1茶匙 (tsp)

烹調步驟 Directions:
(1)        用電動攪拌機將馬利餅打碎成粉末狀
(2)        淡忌廉煉奶和雲呢拿油用電動打蛋器快速打至紋路慢慢清楚而且消散的時間減慢轉慢速續打至軟滑忌廉狀,用拂提起時呈尖峰可寫字的狀態然後加入蓮醬
(3)        將馬利餅碎平鋪在餅模底層鋪上一層忌廉料 (1cm)
(4)        再鋪一層馬利餅碎鋪上一層忌廉料(1cm)
(5)        面層再均勻鋪上馬利餅碎
(6)        置雪櫃雪最少4小時至凝固即成

1. Grind Marie biscuits in food processor into powder
2. Whisk cream into soft peak form by hand/stand mixer.
3. Add in condensed milk and vanilla extract. Whisk in medium until mixed. Add durian puree and mix well
4. Put a thin layer of biscuit powder in bottom
5. Then add 1 cm of whipped cream mixture on top of biscuit layer. 
(I put cream into piping bag to pipe the cream layer, it is much easier)
6. Repeat the above step one to two more times (depend on how deep your cup is)
7. Apply Pea Sprout as decoration on top (Optional)